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Forward, Backward, Start Again Vinyl  

“Forward, Backward, Start Again” is the debut by Minoa, whose real name is Ina Klos, singer, songwriter, musician and composer. She was born in Houston, Texas and grew up in a small town nearby Hanover, Germany. Within the eight songs Minoa reveals an extraordinary sense for songwriting and melodies and wraps it up in an unconventional, yet international appearing e-guitar sound, that does not have to hide behind the big ones the scene has to offer. The vocal performance of the professionally trained singer and voice actress shows off a captivating and emotionally moving quality. The album marks a milestone for Minoa: With the record in her hands, she will be introducing herself in high quality to a wide audience. The title of the album symbolizes the inner fight with oneself to impatiently pushing yourself real hard to enter the next step in whatever you are willing to achieve, but at the same time it feels like you go ten steps backwards and need to begin at the starting point over and over again. It's about being held back by the tried and true and about being scared of letting go, when embracing the new. This kind of a quandary is an ever-returning source within the songs on the album itself. Born in Houston, TX Minoa grew up in a small village in Lower-Saxony, Germany. She actually wanted to become a professional tightrope walker at the age of five, then noticed being afraid of heights. Decisions were made and Minoa started singing, playing the piano and planning on a musical career. Being the 'A-wim-o-weh'-Soprano in the school band was followed by her first band in school. Later she moved to Berlin and switched from keys to guitar – a change highly paying off until these days when it comes to the international sound of her songs. 2021 she was signed by Berlin indie label Listenrecords. Her singles all were received euphorically by GSA media, her debut album being highly anticipated.
MINOA - Forward, Backward, Start Again - LP 06679 at BrokenSilence
LP 06679
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Independent International

File underIndie-Rock | Indie-Pop
Disks1 LP
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CD 06678
Order from Originalproduct
1Something Special (A Seite)
3Not Cool
4Lets's Get There Slowly
5Who Are You (B Seite)
6Fear Of Failing
7Eye Of An Eagle
8Wanna Go Back In Time
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