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Pabst present an undiluted image of summer that serves as a detergent for the world's bullshit. Mixing indie rock, noise pop and grunge in a bleach bath of dead earnestness and irony, this is a record for aesthetic girls and hipster boys to grow up to. Say hello to the sexiest noise rock band on the planet! Coming off the back of their incredible first EP, the Berlin-based trio have returned with their debut full-length. Chlorine was recorded by Ulrich Wentzlau over the course of winter 2017 and consists of 12 songs mastered by Magnus Lindberg (Cult of Luna). With Chlorine, Pabst present an undiluted image of summer next to the kiddie pool and the concrete driveway. With white sneakers and socks, unlit cigarettes and ray bans turned up, this is a new form of suburban cool. Semi-fashionable and sexy, but potentially deadly if looks could kill. Pabst stay true to the elements that made them a great band in the first place. The combination of unabashedly melodic pop hooks and elements of post-punk, psychedelic rock and noise rock shows that the band have matured beyond their genre. Chlorine serves as a detergent for the world's bullshit, mixing indie rock, noise pop and grunge in a bleach bath of dead earnestness and irony. Conscious of the fact that there's more to life than sunshine and rainbows, Pabst confront the false virtues of society, including their own. With its catchy pop choruses and a healthy dose of dissonance, Chlorine is a record for aesthetic girls and hipster boys to grow up to.
PABST - Chlorine - CD 07801 at BrokenSilence
CD 07801
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Crazysane Records


Independent International

File underNoise | Shoegaze | Grunge
Disks1 CD
Order from Originalproduct
2Shake The Disease
6Waiting Loop
9Catching Feelings
10Commitment Issues
11Summer Never Came
12Under Water
Crazysane Records
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