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Lee Waves EP 180 Gramm Vinyl  

"Lee Waves" is the new release by the Berlin trio Grey Paris, which presents a fascinating fusion of complex rhythms and minimalist atmosphere with four songs. The trio's compositions take listeners on an acoustic journey inspired by artists such as E. S. T. , Gogo Penguin, Nils Frahm and Brandt Brauer Frick. Since their formation in 2016, the band, consisting of piano, bass, drums and a sophisticated system of live electronics, has had a remarkable road to success. With three albums and several singles, they have established a firm place in the jazz scene and played numerous concerts and festivals at home and abroad, including the 19th Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival (Best Newcomer Jazzband 2019) and the 37th Würzburg Jazz Festival. The EP "Lee Waves" continues the combination of jazz and electronics that was already evident on their last album "Medea". The title of the EP refers to atmospheric waves that carry you to unexpected places and open up a new perspective. In collaboration with the multi-instrumentalist and film composer Bastian Emig, four promising compositions were created. The recordings of grand piano, bass and drums were made in unusual places, with the resonance and energy of the respective space playing a decisive role, such as an old factory building that now serves as a piano workshop. Während der Titeltrack „Lee Waves“ die Kraft und Freude am Leben manifestiert, ist „Mytilini“ eine Ode an bessere Zeiten und wurde von der Flüchtlingskrise auf den ostgriechischen Inseln inspiriert. „Orgone“ vereint die Elemente des modernen Jazz und der elektronischen Musik, wohingegen der abschließende Track der EP einen 11-minütigen Ausschnitt ihrer energiegeladenen Jam-Sessions darstellt. GREY PARIS präsentiert mit „Lee Waves“ eine faszinierende EP, die ihren einzigartigen Stil und ihre kreative Entwicklung widerspiegelt.
GREY PARIS - Lee Waves EP (180 Gramm) - LP 24007 at BrokenSilence
LP 24007
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Modern Jazz

File underNuJazz | Electronica
Disks1 LP
More formats
CD 24014
Order from Originalproduct
1Mytilini (A-Seite)
2Lee Waves
3Orgone (B-Seite)
4Session #1
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